
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017

Audio streaming from Ubuntu / darkice / pulseaudio to remote icecast server

It's a hard dutty to migrate from the comfortable Windows environment to Linux, but when the computer got to old, Linux will always be the answer. I had to find how to re-use the old windows computers to save money and keep the audio streaming to a remote icecast server (I'm not fan of the multi-purpose equipment so my icecast server is running on another machine), myfirst guess, was some linux distribution teamviewer capable and internet browser with no limitations to browse. After I few minutes I decided to install Ubuntu 14 x64, my computer is kind of old(Intel core duo, 2G ram and 80GB hard drive), so probably the latest version could be a problem. This is the process I followed: A. Ubuntu 14 04 LTS x 64. It's way too easy (specially if not sure about the performance after installation) to install from USB (I used Universal USB installer from www.pendrivelinux.com ). In case this particular distribution release was a problem I could try another one. B. So import...

Enable MP3 codec on Windows 10 (Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec / l3codecp.acm)

Perhaps you have been in the need of using MP3 codec (Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec) on a new windows version, I was in that situation last week. I had to install audio software actually running on Windows XP on a new Windows 10 computer. That Audio software uses all the available codecs on the system, so once I realized that just by having windows media player is not enough like in XP, I reasearched but everything point to install klite codec pack, LAME MP3 or similar. That didn't work for me, codec pack software specially klite are good, I like it, but this software is designed to work only (not sure why) with Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec. I was lucky to find Komeil Bahmanpour's blog (a wise dude), so I learned that l3codecp.acm file (The codec) is available in all Windows versions (tipically on Windows\system32), but is not enabled for some legal issue, but it can be unleashed by dealing with windows registry entries. For x64 systems just do this on windows re...