
Mostrando entradas de 2018

pfsense cannot define table Cannot allocate memory or DHCP fail

It happened to me at the end of April and at the beginning of May in different pfsense boxes, and it took me by surprise that it was a common error during those weeks. Pfsense??? How??? I never had problems with it!!!! Let me tell you about the errors I saw on my boxes: A. Users reported that "they were not able to surf the web", so by checking those workstations I noticed the missed their IP address. Normally they get 192.168.1.x, but all they got 169.254 . x.x ... and it was not for a damaged cable or port, nor a damaged switch as I was guessing, it was the DHCP service having problems. B. Then, in the upper right corner on pfsense admin console I saw something like this There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:19: cannot define table bogonsv6: Cannot allocate memory - The line in question reads [19]: table persist file /etc/bogonsv6] In my case I got a 26 (among others) instead of 19, but the error was the same. So I found the problem and the 2 s...

IDSE IMSS verifique datos ingresados y ocurrio un error al iniciar sesion

Aceptemoslo, IDSE es un dolor de cabeza, java es una maravilla, pero la forma en que dan acceso a la aplicacion, hace que los de IT odiemos tanto como los no IT el java como lo usan IMSS, SAT, etc. Creo que esta es una guia casi general de como hacer funcionar el IDSE en el 90% de las veces, pero solo si sigues al pie de la letra cada uno de los pasos descritos aqui . A. Actualiza el Internet Explorer. Aunque no nos guste el IE esas aplicaciones estan amarradas para IE. Me gusta mas un Windows 7 con el IE 11(a la fecha de esta publicacion el IE11 es la version mas reciente para el Windows 7), aunque igual funciona en Windows 10. OJO no lo descarques de paginas que no sean de microsoft , si entras a este enlace la pagina te va a detectar la version de SO. https://www.microsoft.com/es-mx/download/internet-explorer-11-for-windows-7-details.aspx Instalala, seguramente tendras que reiniciar tu PC. B. Prepara el IE para IDSE. Sigue las imagenes   Sitios de confianza ...