Dell Alienware letdown

Recently I had to see the case of a recent model of Dell Alienware.

A factory reset was necessary but it did not work as I expected, something on partitions was not completely removed so each time I supposedly finished the W10 recovery menu was shown.

I was lucky the recovery DVD was found and it did the difference to recover the system.

I always had the best experience with Dell products so with high-end product I wasn't expecting to deal with this kind of issues. The cost was nearly 4,000 USD, and while googled about my issue I discovered a good amount of Alienware users that had problems when installed a BIOS driver update.

So I would recommend to think twice before to get something that cost that much, for that amount of money you easly can buy an  Xbox + PS + Smart TV and probably some good games.

Probably my experience it's worst than yours.

Something positive came after a few days of odd error messages, that will be my next post.


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